The CCEM BIBLE QUIZ is an annual activity. It starts at the branch level, where churches compete amongst themselves. Those who emerge 1st and 2nd from the branches compete at a Zonal level, which usually entails 2 or more branches.
Winners from this stage then makes it to the Finals.
At the finals all participating churches receives a prize. Cash Prizes are however given to those who emerge 1st to 3rd place. The winning churches are expected to use this cash prize to do something for the children’s service they come from. Something that can help improve teaching and learning. Over the years, winning churches have been faithful in this regard. Some constructed benches, some bought Plastic hairs, some bought mats, and others teaching and learning materials.
The competition affords the children to study the word of God and as well develop the habit of keeping touch with happenings around them as this is vital to winning a contest.
As an Organization, we don’t have a sponsor for this program. Over the years, we have depended on the benevolence of individuals to organize this.
We therefore appeal for support for this Contest. God bless you as you suppport us to make this year’s contest a great success.
To suppport us or for enquiries, please check the flyer.