Hello Family
We are glad to inform you that all winners of the CCEM Bible Quiz for last year have put their Cash award to use.
The Church of Pentecost-Garu who came first and took home 1000.00 Ghana Cedis have used their money to buy a Public Address System. They had extra assistance of cash from their church to purchase since it costed more than their cash award.
The Church of Pentecost- Sandema who came 2nd and took home 700.00 Ghana Cedis have used their money to purchase various syllabus for the use of the children in their Children’s Ministry.
The C. B. Bot Presby Church-Garu, who were 3rd used their cash award of 500.00 Ghana Cedis to construct benches for their Children’s Service to augment what they had.
We sincerely appreciate all persons who donated last year to make the CCEM Bible Quiz Finale a great success.
We look forward to more suppport from you in subsequent years. Stay blessed.